Monday, March 21, 2011

Break Down

I had a break down the other day.

Not me personally, but my car.

Thankfully not the 'good' car either, but my other car.

I got as far as Kaiwaka - actually 1km south of Kaiwaka to be precise.  Then, on the little hill, my vehicle ran out of puff.  My eyes flicked immediately to the water gauge and it was topping out on the big H. 

Steam was definitely rising out from under the bonnet.  That could explain the wierd Pffff-ffff-ffff-ing sound I heard earlier.  It definitely explained what the red lights meant that had been showing up on the dash for a few kilometers previous.

This is what happens when you live in a country that does not allow you to drive - you forget what the little pictures mean.  You forget that the very first thing you must do when you see little pictures is pull over because break down is eminent.  Not carry on while you try to decipher little pictures.

The battery picture I got straight away - although I did wonder why it was on given the car was still going.  The little steaming hamburger one just didn't register - particularly as I looked at the water gauge when the warning light first came on and the gauge looked fine.

Personally I'd prefer the word "OVER HEATING" to the burger picture...along with loud alarm sounds.  Seriously, on contemplating what the burger picture might mean the thought that first came to mind was stopping at the next town for coffee and while there I'd see what the lights were on for. 

Bad move.  Didn't make it....

My car has blown a head gasket  which, given the age of the vehicle, isn't worth fixing.

And to think at the last town I passed through I was thinking how well the little beast was doin.

I had to text my mate, who no longer has a car to baby sit for me or get himself around, with 'Houston we have a problem.  Did you insure the car?'  Of course he did, but not against breakdown.  Bugger!

Shout out to the guys in the forestry machinery repair place near where I broke down for all their help and a ride to Warkworth where my sister could pick me up.  And for letting me leave the car out back of the shed till I could get it picked up.

Big shout out to Ross Richardson of Shamrock Auto's in Kaiwaka.  Very nice guy who I have only had phone conversations with but he got my car picked up, took it to the garage, had a quick look to see the damage, offered a couple of options (ie repair for minimum $1000 or scrap) and then also organised for my wonderful car to be scrapped.  (When I do get north I intend to drop in and say thanks personally).
Yep, it's great to know there are really nice people out there who would help a lady in distress.
Not that I was distressed.  I was more "buggar!.  buggar, buggar!  dumb arse".  Is that distressed?

I haven't managed to get up north yet.  But I will, safe in the knowledge that my good car (the Renault) is insured for breakdown.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mangere Bridge Hide Away

Real estate agents have been known to describe Mangere Bridge as a South Auckland hideaway.  I'm more inclined to call it an Off to the Side-away.

The Bridge, as locals are known to call it, is on a little peninsula all by itself right on the edge of the Manukau Harbour, beneath Mangere Mountain and has a lovely villagy feel to it.

In days gone by it was necessary to travel through Mangere Bridge to get to the airport.  Now, the south western motorway takes all that traffic and the original bridge, after which the town is named, is a popular walkway, cycleway and fishing spot.  It connects Mangere Bridge with Onehunga.

The Bridge has a number of things going for it - being next to a harbour you get water views.  The harbour shore has been developed into a great walkway with awesome green spaces.  And you have Ambury Park, with caravan sites and a hands on animal park, at your doorstep.

On the down side you have the poo ponds round the corner - I'm afraid Aucklanders in the know just can't get over that little 'Ewwww' idea.  The word "Mangere" also holds negative connotations for a lot of folk who have lived in Auckland for a while. 

My suggestion is ignore the Ewwww'ers (there have been major advancements in poop management over the years) and others and go see the place for yourself.

Take a walk up Mangere Mountain and look at the view, visit Ambury Park, stroll along the waterfront and take a hand line to fish off the bridge.  Should your fishing be unsuccessful there are a couple of Fish 'n' Chip shops in town where we can buy what you couldn't catch.  And definitely visit the cafe's in the village shopping area. 

Mangere Bridge is not a place that's going to rock your socks but you can chillax which is one of the reasons why I love to hide away there.