Friday, February 25, 2011

Driving the Waterfront

Driving the waterfront out towards Mission Bay always lifts my spirits.  It's a lovely drive.  I like to do it slow and soak in the sights - which is largely lots of water off to my left insterspersed with joggers, bike riders and waterfront walkers.

These warm afternoons with daylight saving are perfect for a drive along the waterfront, a walk on the beach and a glass of wine at a cafe or, better yet, chips on the beach.

It's been a few years since I undertook a waterfront drive right to the end of the road up to Ladies Bay.  I wondered how the old nudist beach was doing.

The beach is still there, though not as nice as I remember it.  There's a concrete path down to it now and, to really put a damper on naked sunbathing, there's a veiwing bay above the beach.   It's part of a beautifully designed rest spot with great views out toward Waiheke -  and down to Ladies Bay.

The viewing bay at Archilles Point.
A glass of wine was required (with a bit of a snack) to contemplate the cost of progress, so I stopped at the local shops in St Heliers, Annabelles to be precise, and enjoyed a quiet moment on a lovely afternoon.

The conclusion - I still love driving the waterfront and intend to come back soon.

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