Sunday, January 16, 2011

I travel New Zealand by car

Whenever I go home to New Zealand I tiki tour around the place by car.

It's always nice driving on the proper side of the road again - the left hand side.  Actually it's nice being able to drive at all - where I live now, ladies don't drive.

The price of gas is a bit on the ekky side - that's a real downer about NZ.  We are, as my husband likes to say, at the arse end of the world, so some things costs just a little bit more.

And that wierd little give way rule New Zealand has still gives me a tiny bit of angst at intersections - maybe when I move home I will actually learn it properly.  For now I try to remember the right hand rule ditty "Give way to all traffic crossing or approaching from your right."  (If all else fails 'wait to see what they do' has always worked for me).

But the scenery - the views from winding mountain roads, the picnic spots, the beautiful beaches, our smooth city highways, even the occasional rural gravel road, more than makes up for any issues with little things like fuel cost and quirky road rules. 

There are so many things about driving around New Zealand that are worthy of sharing.  Join me, and lets travel around New Zealand in my car, together.

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